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If a newspaper chooses to endorse one political representative over another
in News

By TTKDBTTKDB 265 Pts edited November 2018
Does that or does not that choice, violate their individual journalistic integrity?

If a newspaper or say an internet website that presents the news as a part of it's content, and it's presenting an opinion piece that lacks the basic journalistic criteria, (the who, what, when, where, when, who, and how?) While at the same time being neutral when presenting a news story to the public, when informing the public with a tv new media story, or via a newspaper article, or a website based news article?

So if an individual presents a "news" article that lacks the basic journalistic criteria, and is opinion based only, then how does that news article get to be called a news article? 

And how does a newspaper that maybe endorses one political representative over another, get to call itself a neutral public information news provider? 

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